• elements in html

    Exploring Elements In HTML: A Guide to Understanding Elements

    Why Learn HTML? Webpages can be created easily, even if a person has no knowledge of elements in HTML. There are many editors like Frontpage, DreamWeaver, etc, which are available in the market. These editors may be used to design web pages. The HTML coding is generated automatically by these editors and the user need not care about it. However, in order to design web pages that are above average and compatible with most browsers, a thorough understanding of HTML tags is required. If you have a good understanding of the HTML elements then you may apply even those tags that the editor does not support and create effects that…

  • tag in html

    Tags In HTML: A Guide to Using Tags And Create HTML Webpage

    There are many different skills and disciplines involved in the production and maintenance of web design. Different aspects of web design include web graphic design, interface design, custom code and custom software, user experience design, and writing including search engine optimization. The term design is also used to describe the design process related to the front-end (client said) design of a website, including writing a template on a regular basis. Web designers are expected to be aware of their project and, if it involves creating a map in their own space, they are expected to stay up to date with accessible guidelines. Introduction To HTML HTML stands for Hyper Text…

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