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CCC Exam full Syllabus

In this paragraph I am telling about CCC exam syllabus। इस course के लिए Beginners को ध्यान में रखकर Design किया गया है। CCC exam syllabus में Basic concepts को include किया गया है। CCC exam की तैयारी के लिए आप Institute द्वारा Provide Notes के जरिये कर सकते है। और यदि आपने Direct Admission लिया है तो आप CCC की तैयारी करने के लिए बाहर से Books खरीद के और अपने Notes बनाके study कर सकते है।

  • Chapter 1 – Introduction To Computer.  इसे पड़े 
  • Chapter 2 – Introduction To Operating System. इसे पड़े
  • Chapter 3 – Word Processing.
  • Chapter 4 – Spread Sheet.
  • Chapter 5 – LibreOffice Impress (Presentation).
  • Chapter 6 – Introduction of the Internet, WWW, And Web Browsers.
  • Chapter 7 – E-mail, Social Networking, And E-Governance Services.
  • Chapter 8 – Digital Financial Tools And Applications.
  • Chapter 9 – Overview of Futureskills And Cyber Security.

CCC Exam Pattern 

CCC course के लिए exam online mode से computer based होता है। इसमें 100 Multiple choice questions  पूछे जाते है।  प्रत्येक प्रश्न 1 अंक का होता है यानि की पूरा exam 100 अंक का होता है। इन्हे सिर्फ 90 minutes में solve करना होता है। CCC course के exam में negative marking नहीं होती है मतलब यदि आप गलत जवाब पे भी tick कर देते है तो आपके कोई अंक नहीं कटेंगे साथ ही साथ अंकों के विभाजन के according grade दिया जाता है।

Correct AnswerGrade
50 से कम Fail
50 - 54D
55 - 64C
65 - 74B
75 - 84A
85 से ज्यादा S


CCC Examination fees

NIELIT द्वारा CCC course के लिए examination fees 500 rs + GST है। Student examination fees का payment examination form online भरते समय NEFT/RTGS/CSC-SPV/Online (Credit Card/Debit Card/Net-Banking) के जरिये कर सकते है। इसमें late fees का कोई प्रावधान नहीं है।

Read this article: CCC Study Material 

When, Where, and How Will the CCC Exam Be Held?

NIELIT द्वारा CCC Course का exam पूरी साल organize कराया जाता है। आप हर month इस course का exam दे सकते है। Exam form भरते समय आपको Exam City और Exam Month को choose करना पड़ता है। इसके बाद Admit Card Download करके Exam की सारी information देखी जा सकती है। Admit Card में Exam City, Exam Center और Exam date print होती है। आप अपना Aadhar Card, Admit Card के साथ ले जाकर Exam Center पर जाकर CCC Course का exam online दे सकते है।

What are the important documents uploaded for the CCC form?

A. Specification of Photograph:
Technical Specifications:
i. Size- 3.5 cm Width X 4.5 cm Height.
ii. Dimension –132 Pixels Width X 170 Pixels Height.
iii. Digital size- 5 KB to 50 KB.
iv. DPI/PPI- 96 to 300.
v. Type – JPEG/JPG
i. The color photos taken professionally (not on a mobile phone) during the
last six months with a white background should be used.
ii. The facial features of the person should be clearly visible and no goggles to
be used and no part of the face should be covered.

B. Specification of Thumb Impression (Left Thumb) & Signature:
Technical Specifications:
i. Size- 4.5 cm Width X 3.5 cm Height.
ii. Dimension –170 Pixels Width X 132 Pixels Height.
iii. Digital size- 5 KB to 20 KB.
iv. DPI/PPI- 96 to 200.
v. Type – JPEG/JPG
i. Signature and Left thumb impression should be taken on white paper using
black/blue ink.
ii. The image should not be blurred or smudged.

Which documents are required at the examination center?

The candidate is required to bring any of his/her ORIGINAL photo identity cards at the examination center apart from the Admit Card issued by NIELIT for appearing in the examination. The particulars of the candidates would be verified by the Exam Supdt at the examination center with the photo identity card brought by the candidate and the Admit Card issued by NIELIT for the examination of CCC. In case of any mismatch, the candidate would not be allowed to appear for the examination, and his/her candidature would be canceled. The Examination Supdt. would record the same on the attendance sheet against the respective candidate and also on any other report meant for reporting such cases. There would be no refund of the examination fee in such cases.

The list of valid photo ID proof is given below:
a) Voter ID card,
b) Passport,
c) PAN card,
d) Permanent laminated driving license,
e) Aadhar card,
f) Student identity card with photograph issued by recognized
g) Photo identity card having serial number issued by Central/State Government,
h) Photo identity card issued by PSU/Autonomous bodies,
i) Nationalised bank passbook with photograph with attested customer photograph and
signature by bank official/manager,
j) Credit cards issued by banks with laminated photographs,
k) Certificate of Identity having a photo issued by a Gazetted Officer or Tehsildar on letterhead

So in this blog, you get all the information about the CCC exam. CCC exam syllabus, CCC course exam pattern,  CCC examination fees, When, Where, and How Will the CCC Exam Be Held, What are important documents uploaded for the CCC form, and Which documents are required at the examination center, and many more.

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